I want to tell you about my last weekend , 6 November 2011 which i spend for a Eid Adha . For you who doesn´t know what is Eid Adha , Eid Adha or Offerfeest in dutch is one of the biggest moeslim tradition for commemorate when our prophet Ibrahim was willing to sacrifice his son Ishmael to God .When Prophet Ibrahim was so sincere, Allah will replace Ishmael with a sheep. Usually in Offerfeest we do pray and sacrifice a sheep or a cow or a camel (usually in Saudi Arab) and give the meat for the poor people.
I went to PPI Groningen (thanks to pap Alberto who takes me to the City) which organize the Solat Eid (Pray Eid) , it´s a comunity for indonesian people who studying in Groningen for the Pray , and I met Kak Vica from http://viracanya.wordpress.com/ ! :D for the first time ! she is doing an exchange year too in here but in RUG.

After the pray , actually there is a Lunch with PPI groningen because tradition in Indonesia we have a lunch after solat Eid . We ate Sate , lamb sate and for them who dont like it there is Sate Ayam !

finally I ate indonesian Food !! (But before this I think My hostmom cooked me Sayur khas Indonesia with Rice , Kroepoek, And Uitjes Gebbaken a.k.a. Bawang Goreng)
Many people suspected me as a student who takes a bachelor in here , yea i know am small and looked like still in junior high school -.- , but they dont think that am an High School Student because some of them are taking master in here or they suspect that my parents are taking PhD in here (I hope this one become true :p ). And Suprissingly I met Kak Michelle ! An Indonesia AFS returnee from Belgie ! ik ben echt zo blij , now her hostparents are hosting my friend Asanilta :) Sucha Little world !!!

Me and Kak Michelle on the Right Side
and one more thing my friend Fatema sent me Eid Mubarak SMS :) sucha sweet thing from her ;D
So having a crucial day in the other country was really amazing , I still can meet indonesian , eat indonesian food , and have a eid mubarak text ! or maybe because am already feeling like a home in here !

hiiiiii Faya.. surprisingly i found your blog! that's a really nice story :D keep writing and hope someday we can meet again :D
tot zo!
huhuhu , when will you go back to Indonesia Kak ? I think I will miss you so badly :(((
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