Hello everyone , longtime no see me right ? now am already been 2 weeks in The country of oranje , the country of koeen en schapen , yess , The Netherlands.
I'm gonna tell you Five things that happened on these 2 weeks ,
First my family !! They picked me up in utrecht and then we went to Baflo !! no it's not a Buffalo but B-A-F-L-O . It's a very nice place to live sooo lovely , it's like a lil village and you can go to the city by train or car and it's only 30 minutes , It's like from my house in Bogor to my school in SMANTI :p
Aaand , I got my own room , and next to my room is my hostsister room :)
this is a view from my room , see in from of my house is a bike shop :p and this is my room look like
so cuteeee , maybe i will paint my room in Indonesia become purple and red because I really like it :p
Second, on my first day school :B My School is Praedinius Gymnasium , which is look like this
this is the T building , we have 2 buildings , the one is in the other side , am on the fourth grade vwo, my class is 4D ( dulu kayanya waktu kelas 4 sd gue 4B deh ya =.= ) it's mean am back to the first year of my high school . So the sistem in here is different , you've got 8 years of basis school (kindergarten are included) and then 6 years of middel bare school (junior high school and senior high school ). On my first day I came late because we ( me , my hostmom , and the teacher coord. ) have talking about something and the teacher gave me a little school tour . My first class was Philosophy ( do I write it right? Ik weet het niet) I don't know what is it about , because it's very very very new for me , and I had my first homework on my first day, on my first class, in my first country in europe I've ever been -.- hehehe
The class was very nice I sat with Marthe and in my behind there was Fatima and Ilja . And a boy in my class called Jorrim taught me a bad bad bad word in dutch :x
And Luckily we have free hour so Fatima ,Ilja , and Maaike asked me to go to H&M store it's very close to the school , I mean , Zara is close too :p
Then after spending hour in the school with studying and trying understand what are they saying ( my friend try to translate it for me yaaay ! ) . Some Subjects like Math , Chemistry , and Physics is help me to remember all of the things that I've learned in Indonesia . But some subjects like Philosophy , Nederlands , Engels and ANW or general science is very new for me . I just got my first test for my Nederlands , and for engels I've learn Shakespeare sonnet or we call it Engels literature (and makes me remember of one of twilight saga scene tha edward cullen know every single word of it :o) and for ANW we have to make a presentation about functional food :$ (luckily it works in a group)
met sharka en fatema
mijn eerste patat met mayo
mijn eerste poffertjes :p
met fatema @ school
Kantine !!
The School Hall
I went home with Sarah , we met Judith on the train and a friend of Judith . After I arrived in home , My mom told me that Bring is Sick , Do you know bring ? She is an exchange student to from thailand which is life in Baflo too, just walked like ten steps from my home , you'll find her ! She was sick because she is go to scholl with her bike in a windy weather and rain :'(
It's us ! baflo girl !! haha
After visited bring , we went to the supermarket which only 15 steps -.- from my home everything seems very near in here .
Third I wanna tell you that I've found another way to go to the station from my school on my own :p when I'm walking from school to the station , I passed sooo many stores so do you know that I'm only look at them and wondering when will I buy the jas or a shoes , now am saving :D hehehehe
Fourth , Nederlands and Indonesian alphabet aaarreee veryy close ! mungkin dulu guru bahasa indonesia belajarnya sama orang belanda kali yaa hahahaha
and the lasstt Ik ga naar wc , doei !