It has been a month and one week since I arrived in Indonesia It needs a hard work to adapt myself again in my own home , a little bit rare , but het is zo ....
That feeling when I stepped down at the Soekarno-Hatta Airport with Shinta, Nilta , Fahmi , Chandri , Indi and Indah , found out there is a little shower next to your toilet when you peeing , and saw my father and mother running to me even before I get my bagagge (yes my father have that card to enter airport everytime , as he wants). Met Ira en Eja at the airport and we have dinner at Bakmi GM :o
And the re-orientation camp was hilarious , just miss all people that experienced what I experienced.
On the first week I ate sooo many typical Indonesian food , but still I was not met my brother yet , he was doing his study at Surabaya . But I went to to school and everybody was asking why I was still wearing my uniform -.- Yes I have to go to my last year in High school at SMA 3 Bogor , and at the same time , my old friend were went to school for picking up our year book . Thanks god , everybody said to me "oooh you're such a high schooler ..." and some other thing --.-- But it's okay.

Am back on Science Two class, but with new classmates , and because of me we have uneven number of people in one class (I am Sorry friends...) Gonna tell you about my classmates later guys....
And finally I met my brother , he just finished his PK (I dont know what is it in english :p) in Surabaya. On the way back home my brother and my mother only talking about my cousin's wedding and their trip to Bromo (brb crying). Skip all the school things , finally I have my last week before having 2 weeks of Eid Fitri holiday, not so serious class , not so serious teachers and We have a competition in order to celebrate independence day of Indonesia and ramadhan ofcourse. I joined Mojang Jajaka , haha it's quite funny since am not too tall enough but it's such a honoured to join this competition. Thanks to Mita who made me an intro sentence in really good english :p

We having this two weeks of holiday for Idul Fitri , my dad came home at 17 Agustus , so I dont go to the ceremony because I picked up my dad , and I celebrate Ied first @ home as usual then we went to my grannie house with all family , I help my mother made some cake for Open House @ my grannie house , Soes, Sosis Solo , and Cheese cake ;) Lekker.....
Now am writing at my bed in a Hotel , me and my family spending this holiday just staying here , because we wanna have this holiday before my brother depart to Portugal - Spain, and do some silly things that we ever did long time ago as a little family (now we're not so little :p oh god just realized my english is so horrible -.-)
Eindelijk , just wanna tell you am fine after I arrived from the Netherlands :)
Bissous , Kusjes,

We having this two weeks of holiday for Idul Fitri , my dad came home at 17 Agustus , so I dont go to the ceremony because I picked up my dad , and I celebrate Ied first @ home as usual then we went to my grannie house with all family , I help my mother made some cake for Open House @ my grannie house , Soes, Sosis Solo , and Cheese cake ;) Lekker.....
Now am writing at my bed in a Hotel , me and my family spending this holiday just staying here , because we wanna have this holiday before my brother depart to Portugal - Spain, and do some silly things that we ever did long time ago as a little family (now we're not so little :p oh god just realized my english is so horrible -.-)
Eindelijk , just wanna tell you am fine after I arrived from the Netherlands :)
Bissous , Kusjes,