"@fayakhw hoi zus , hoe gaat het met jou ?"
My hand is start to shaking and start to rubbing my eyes , is that real ? yes she is my host sister , when I log in into my Facebook she already ask me for a friendship and her Mom too , Alhamdulillah.I got a host family , a hostmom , hostdad, and one hostsis . They live in a small village called Baflo 30 minutes to Groningen the bigger city. After reading the host fam paper , they are a great family , my mam (ceileeeeh) is working for a shrimp company ( I will cook Sweet and Sour Shrimp !!!! yay !!!) , my pap is a doctor , and my sis is 14 , we will go to a same school in Groningen , we will take a same train in the morning :') I hope we can build a great Siblings , because I don't have any elder or younger sister , and really want to take a Shopping together , have a chit chat in bucks in the sunday morning hehehe :D
my mam is very very nice , she always give me information about Baflo and Groningen , and do you know thaaaat , my mam and my pap they met in states when they had an opportunity to have an AFS program just like me :) my mam is from netherland , and my pap is from Paraguay , that's why my host sister is very very Beautiful she is a half european and a half latino !
Everyday I should take a train to go to my school , yeah soon I'll be an agasta (anak gaul stasiun) hehe, 22km ? do you wanna go to school with bike ? hehe. But it's okay the passenger in there must be not anarchist like in Indonesia , where you are allowed to sit above the train , underlined "ABOVE" . That's funny , I love my Indonesia :)
And I hope I can make a good impresion to my friend in my next School , Praedinius Gymnasium . I want to join the School Band I hope they're searching for a vocalist hehe . I hope I'll be ok there , have a good experience and I can learn something good about , how is life in the one of european country :) I hope all of my concerns are disappear , aamiin . Wish me Luck Guys :D