Friday, August 26

New Family !

As I wrote about AFS , and I got a Placement in Netherland , after waiting for a long long long long time waiting , everyday when am home in the morning I opened my facebook and saw my friends who already arrived in united states upload their photo and arrived in their host-family finally .... a twitter account mention me,
"@fayakhw hoi zus , hoe gaat het met jou ?" 
My hand is start to shaking and start to rubbing my eyes , is that real ? yes she is my host sister , when I log in into my Facebook she already ask me for a friendship and her Mom too , Alhamdulillah.

I got a host family  , a hostmom , hostdad, and one hostsis . They live in a small village called Baflo 30 minutes to Groningen the bigger city. After reading the host fam paper , they are a great family , my mam (ceileeeeh) is working for a shrimp company ( I will cook Sweet and Sour Shrimp !!!! yay !!!) , my pap is a doctor , and my sis is 14 , we will go to a same school in Groningen , we will take a same train in the morning :') I hope we can build a great Siblings , because I don't have any elder or younger sister , and really want to take a Shopping together , have a chit chat in bucks in the sunday morning hehehe :D

my mam is very very nice , she always give me information about Baflo and Groningen , and do you know thaaaat , my mam and my pap they met in states when they had an opportunity to have an AFS program just like me :) my mam is from netherland , and my pap is from Paraguay , that's why my host sister is very very Beautiful she is a half european and a half latino !  

Everyday I should take a train to go to my school , yeah soon I'll be an agasta (anak gaul stasiun) hehe, 22km ? do you wanna go to school with bike ? hehe. But it's okay the passenger in there must be not anarchist like in Indonesia , where you are allowed to sit above the train , underlined "ABOVE" . That's funny , I love my Indonesia :)

And I hope I can make a good impresion to my friend in my next School , Praedinius Gymnasium . I want to join the School Band I hope they're searching for a vocalist hehe . I hope I'll be ok there , have a good experience and I can learn something good about , how is life in the one of european country :) I hope all of my concerns are disappear , aamiin . Wish me Luck Guys :D


Thursday, August 25

twintig augustus

when we're fasting my school have an event for celebrating indonesia's independence day at 17 augustus :D
This is my first time coming to school after a long long time disappear in a big cave -.-
Missing my Friend so so so much ,
Prada won all the competition !!! suprising right ? because we've learned from our mistakes hehe

Fashion Show , on the 1st Place our Belated Heroes deserve it !
Paparazzi contest , by me :B got the 2nd Place !! 축헤애 !!!!

Bugen , reach the big 2 in the "Ranking 1" competition !!!!
(he is behind the boy who wore a glasses) :p

 This is Tuti Fruti Monster for "kreasi buah" competition won at the 1st place !!! made by our "ibu ibu PKK" a.k.a. Abheer , Ira , and Muti , but as a good friend Me and ojan (as a good boyfriend of ira) help them :D

The Prize for "Kreasi buah" is 

Am so Happy that Night aaaaanddd 

a Birthday Surprise !!! for Ojan, Asin , and Yeri !

Happy Bithday Annisa Nurul Ayuningdyah , Yeri Olivia Violeta and Fauzan Irsyad !
생일축하함니다 !!! :)
And the last we took a photo together ,
(this is just one of the photo , yeaah you know , Prada -.- we are sooo fotogenic hahaha)


Sunday, August 7

En Donde Estas ?

some people maybe asking me where i am ,or what am i doing , and saying happy fasting , but I was disappeared for about a week . I went for an orientation camp , and it was ended with a greaaat Talent Show :D

I went with another 92 AFS and YES candidates from all over indonesia , which is it means from chapter banda aceh until chapter makassar :) I already knew some of them from the AFS group at facebook . But met them face to face and being in one room all day with them , is such a great time . With a great great people like them :)

In the orientation camp we're divided into 15 group , I am on Memberamo Group , with Lala (she is gonna go to Germany) from Jogjakarta , Tika from Semarang , Fairus from Surabaya , Pattih from Padang , and Shaqina from Jakarta . I go to a same bed room with Fairus , with Raras from Jakarta (she join the tribute night on my last post) and Ica from Jogjakarta .

in every night we were practiced for a Talent Show , we had a talent show @ Goethe Haus

 I'm on the Choir Division

AFS YES 2011/2012

YES-ers I'm gonna miss you so much :* see you next year :) and wish the AFS-ers luck :D
more photos : Farewell Party Album

p.s. : one more thing that I missed from Orientation , the FUNKY CHICKEN DANCE !!!!

Arum , Aida miss them so much !! funky chicken funk funky chicken aaw !! shoot the moon shoot shoot the moon !! john travolta john john travolta !! frankenstein frank frankenstein !!! underwear un un der wear underwear un un der wear !!
when will i dance this funky chicken dance again ? :3